Chapter 3Outside of Neo-Domino city, far into the desert, there is a military base. The base was originally built by Gozaburo Kaiba of Kaiba Corp. After Seto Kaiba took over, the base became the headquarters for Military Duelists. The highest ranking officer within the base is Colonel Henry Barclay. Here on this base, there is a rumor that a mysterious woman with red hair haunts the base, both during the day and night. Several of the soldiers have apparently claimed to have seen this woman. Not much is known about this woman, other than the rumors that have been spread by the soldiers, but who know… maybe one man knows…
Col. Barclay was in his office, filling out papers. He walked up to the door and locked it. Afterwards, he returned to his desk… then, there was a glow of light, and a woman with red hair appeared before him.
Col. Barclay: So, what was it that you needed to talk to me about?
???: I just wanted to talk…
Col. Barclay: Look, Radra, you know that we aren’t supposed to see each other on the base unless it’s an emergency.
Radra: I know, but I haven’t seen you in over a week.
Col. Barclay: So, what you need… you have to make it quick.
Radra: Well, how’s our son, Chariton?
Col. Barclay: You always ask about Chariton…
Radra: Well, I can see you anytime I like, but I can’t see him.
Col. Barclay: I’m not stopping you from seeing him… why don’t you just visit him yourself.
Radra: Even though I’m over a thousand years old, to a human, I only seem to be fifteen… I can’t tell him that I’m from another planet… besides, you’ve been telling him that I died fourteen years ago…
Col. Barclay: Can we talk somewhere else at some other time… this is not the safest place to talk…
???: I would agree to that…
Col. Barclay: Who’s there?
A flash of light illuminates Barclay and Radra for a slight second, a Private was hiding in a closet, holding a camera.
Private: Colonel Barclay, I just caught you red-handed having relations with this young girl.
Radra: Young? I’m several times older than you…
Col. Barclay: Private! Why were you spying on me?
Private: It’s a secret… but I had my orders, sir.
Col. Barclay: Orders, from who?
Private: It’s a secret…
Col. Barclay: Private, give me that camera…
Private: Hmm, tell you what, let’s duel for it, I lose, you get the camera, I win, and you will promote me to Corporal.
Col. Barclay: Deal, but I’m warning you Private, I wouldn’t be Colonel if I wasn’t an expert duelist.
Private: And don’t let rank tell you skill level.
Col. Barclay: What is your name, private?
Prt. Green:: Name’s Private Green, sir!
The base was in an uproar. Everyone heard that the Colonel was about to duel a private. Drill Sergeants dismissed the privates from their PT to come see. Col. Barclay and Prt. Green were seen facing each other in the middle of the field.
Col. Barclay and
Prt. Green:: Duel!
Prt. Green:: I’ll start, Draw!
Prt. Green LP: 4000 Cards in hand: 6
Col. Barclay LP: 4000 Cards in hand: 5
Prt. Green:: I activate Foolish Burial from my hand, this allows me to send “Batteryman AA” to the grave.
Select 1 monster from your Deck and send it to the Graveyard. |
Prt. Green: I set two face downs and and set one monster in defense, that ends my turn.
Col. Barclay: Well, if that’s all, I draw!
Prt. Green LP: 4000 Cards in hand: 2
Col. Barclay LP: 4000 Cards in hand: 6
Col. Barclay: I activate the effect of “Gretiji - the Undead Warrior” from my hand.
Col. Barclay: By discarding Gretiji, I can add “Swift Battle” to my hand, and I activate it now.
Col. Barclay: Now, I summon “Proto - Rider of the Air” in attack mode.
Col. Barclay: Now, because you have no attack position monsters on your side of the field, I now attack your life points directly.
Prt. Green LP: 3200
Col. Barclay: I place three cards facedown and end my turn.
Prt. Green: Well then, I draw.
Prt. Green LP: 3200 Cards in hand: 3
Col. Barclay LP: 4000 Cards in hand: 1
Prt. Green: I tribute my facedown to summon “Batteryman Charger”.
Batteryman Charger |
When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 "Batteryman" monster, except "Batteryman Charger", from your hand or Deck. This card gains 300 ATK and DEF for each Thunder-Type monster you control. |
Prt. Green: Now, I special summon “Batteryman AA” from my deck.
Batteryman AA |
If all "Batteryman AA"(s) you control are in Attack Position, this card gains 1000 ATK for each. If all "Batteryman AA"(s) you control are in Defense Position, this card gains 1000 DEF for each. |
Prt. Green: Both my Batterymen get an ATK boost.
Batteryman AA: 1000 ATK
Batteryman Charger: 2400 ATK
Prt. Green: Now, Batteryman Charger, attack his Proto…
Col. Barclay: Activate Trap card, Sakuretsu Armor.
Activate only when your opponent's monster declares an attack. Destroy the attacking monster. |
Prt. Green: This is where I activate my trap card, “Dark Bribe”
Negate the activation and effect of an opponent's Spell or Trap Card and destroy it. Your opponent draws 1 card. |
Prt. Green: Now you will take damage from my Batteryman's attack.
Col. Barclay: I think your forgetting something, Private… when a monster is selected as an attack target while swift battle is on the field, it is changed to defense position, therefore, attacking with your stronger monster is a bad idea.
Col. Barclay LP: 4000
Prt. Green: Arg… well, I attack directly with AA.
Col. Barclay LP: 3000
Prt. Green: …and with that, I end my turn!
Col. Barclay: Then it’s my turn, DRAW!!!
Prt. Green LP: 3200 Cards in hand: 2
Col. Barclay LP: 3000 Cards in hand: 3
Col. Barclay: I summon “Riven - the Coward” to the field.
Col. Barclay: Now, I attack your Batteryman AA with Riven!!!
Prt. Green: I activate Sakuretsu Armor!!!
Col. Barclay: Well, I guess I’ll have to use my Dark Bribe…
Cards in
Prt. Green’s hand: 3
Prt. Green: Ah… my AA!!!
Prt. Green LP: 3000
Col. Barclay: Now, I end my turn, and the effect of Riven Activates, returning him to my hand, then I can special summon a lv3 or lower monster, other than Riven, from my hand to the field, so I summon “Imp Berserker”.
Col. Barclay: Now, Imp Berserker’s effect activates, allowing me to special summon 2 more Imp Berserker’s to the field from my deck… then my first Imp then returns to the deck.
Prt. Green: Well then, I draw… now I remove my 2 batterymen from my grave to special summon “Batteryman Industrial Strength”
Batteryman Industrial Strength |
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 2 "Batteryman" monsters from your Graveyard. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 Thunder-Type monster from your Graveyard to destroy 1 monster and 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field. |